Twelve new specialist primary school places for children with communication and interaction needs have been created in Grimsby for the first time.
Launchpad – the first school specialist provision of its type in North East Lincolnshire – is designed to be a ‘turnaround provision’ for early years children and those in Key Stage 1 (aged 4, 5 and 6).
The new provision is being delivered by Wellspring’s Littlecoates Primary Academy, and is the result of a partnership with North East Lincolnshire Council.

The provision formally launched today (15/09), with 12 new students taking up their places at the school.
Speaking ahead of the launch of the provision, Councillor Margaret Cracknell, portfolio holder for children and education at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:
“This provision is the result of some real innovative work between the Council and Wellspring Academy Trust.
“Our priority here is to ensure that children who might need a little extra help, get that help, and are eventually able to return to mainstream schooling.
“This type of support is in real demand here in North East Lincolnshire, so I’m really pleased that we have managed to get this off the ground and running, and it’s going to be great to see students getting started in September.
“I’d like to thank Wellspring Academy Trust for working with us to make this happen, and I’d like to wish those students attending Launchpad the very best of luck for the forthcoming year of their education.”
Neville Wilkinson, Principal at Littlecoates Primary, said:
“Our new Launchpad provision will offer 12 pupils with SEND the specialist support and teaching to enable them to stay in mainstream education and attend school in their local area. At Littlecoates, we pride ourselves on our welcoming, inclusive approach and are incredibly proud to be able to support children with a wide range of needs. By working together with North East Lincolnshire Council, we have been able to create something that will make a huge difference to the lives of 12 children and their families. We’re looking forward to watching the progress of the first pupils to benefit from this important resource over the coming months and years.”
Victoria McReast, whose daughter attends the new provision, said: “The staff are all extremely welcoming and have excellent communication with parents both in person and via the class Dojo app.
“This includes the activities the children are up to along with photos, and this helps settle myself and my husband as Felicity cannot talk so we constantly worry about her.
“We feel very fortunate that Fliss has got a place at the launchpad as they cater for all the different needs of the children and their interests.
“I just wish the Launchpad ran the entirety of her school life because knowing Fliss has many extra needs, it’s very comforting to know and trust that she is settled in a place that has her best interests at heart.”
Admissions to the new provision have been managed by North East Lincolnshire SEND team, in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015) via annual reviews of EHCPs.